100 For 100
Happy New Year.
This is the time of the year where people from all walks of life make resolutions. One of thd most common resolutions people make regard getting healthy and fit. This is a very worthy resolution. The main issue with not sticking resolutions is the accountability factor.
I personally do not make resolutions any more but I like to start each year (daily in retrospect) with strong purpose. I decided to start 2018 with the phrase, "100 For 100". This means that I will record myself performing 100 pushups everyday. These videos will be posted daily on social media (e.g. Instagram @allaroundstrong). By posting these videos on social media, I am putting neccessary pressure on myself to complete the task. In other words, my IG followers are actually my accountability.
Moral of this post is to ensure that you have some type of accountability to keep you focused on your resolution(s). By doing so, you will be on your way to becoming "All Around Strong"!
Most will not stick to their resolutions. Some will absolutely crush their resolution goals. Which side of the equation do you belong too?
Sign up for a complementary phone consultation to see if I can assist you in your fitness resolutions.